Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wardrobe Malfunction

Note to self: Next time you leave the house on your bike and it's 34 degrees out, wear booties.

Today was my first outdoor ride since September. Coach Phil has been working on "turning me into a (real) runner in 8 weeks" so I've been concentrating on that, clocking 15-20 weeekly miles since late December.

I've been adding occasional cycling workouts (indoor, at the unparalleled Herriott Sports Performance studio, see:, resisting the great outdoors until today.

Seattle has spent the last several days under a big smoggy cloud, pollution of this magnitude is rare for the Emerald City. This morning, the foggy muck was still hanging low. I couldn't even see the west side of Lake Washington as I ate my pre-ride oatmeal, let alone my destination across the water in Kirkland. So as I added a waterproof outer layer, took a generous hit off my asthma inhaler, clamped the headlight to my handlbars and the bright red flasher to the back of my helmet, I marveled at my motivation. Or lack of common sense. Preoccupied with safety, I completely spaced on comfort...and the realities of what 25 miles ride in near-freezing temperatures would do to my feet.

I hate wearing booties (booties are for scuba diving, not cycling!) but would have given just about anything for their sweet, if stinky, neoprene warmth this morning! After the ride, I ran 20 minutes on the treadmill. Only as I finished did my sore, swollen feet stop feeling like popsicles!

Today's benchmark:

Juanita Hill, southbound -- base light to QFC = 10:17.

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