Saturday, June 6, 2009

Beach Party and Precious Rituals

Yesterday I swam in Lake Washington for the first time this year. The promise of a beautiful morning brought out so many swimmers, it was more like a party than a workout. My open water swim friends live in many different Seattle neighborhoods; often we don't see one another between early autumn and when the lake warms up in June. Friday brought a lovely reunion with many.

Robin, Tatyana, Ruth, Matt and I swam out to the Tennis Club buoys, while the others swam on on the Cove. Our swim was only 20 minutes each way, but a good first outing. I am still battling my tiny (but ever-improving) lung capacity, but felt especially strong on the home bound leg.

I love everything about the lake swim mornings. The body glide application, zipping your friends into their wetsuits and being zipped into yours, having unapologetic bedhead and loving everyone else's, the key-hiding rituals, the tentative steps off the beach and into the water, the colorful cap counting and buddying up...all the little things that happen before we even submerge are precious to me.

And the aftermath. The deck changes on the sidewalk while talking to your friends who are just as naked as you are under their towels and nobody cares, the speedy Starbucks drive by for a tall drip with room for cream, the funny looks from the non-swimmers (why is that girl so wet?) and the fast commute home for a hot shower and wetsuit rinse before starting the work day.

Bring on the summer. I'm going back in tomorrow.

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