Saturday, April 25, 2009

Withdrawal Symptoms

I guess we're down to the practical things now.

Dear Phil has stepped up with interest in my Penticton accommodations, which could be great because it would facilitate a quick transaction that I wouldn't need to think about much. I need to yank off the bandaid and minimize the drama.

The next step is to go to the IMC Web site and officially withdraw. I have time to do it -- right now, in fact. I even have motivation -- I want to get it overwith. And yet, I just can't seem to bring myself to type in the URL and read the fine print.

Tomorrow, maybe.

I've re-arranged my emotional furniture about this summer's race plans and for the most part it is starting to feel like home.

Swam well today despite being out of the water since Tue. I'm looking forward to a solid week ahead, though I left my swim suit at the pool (drat) this morning so will need to do at least 1 GLAD workout to retrieve it.

Speaking of water fashion, I need a new wetsuit. Mine feels like a pair of pajamas. I know I didn't shrink, but that thing got humungous over the winter. And open water swim season starts soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Karin,
    I know the feeling of putting off the Withrawal "submit."

    For swimsuits may I recommend some good deals and easy shopping at:

    See you next week at SU!
