You heard it here second: I wish I was in Bismarck, ND right now.
I am really, really sorry for everyone in Bismarck whose basement looks like a swimming pool. I am also really, really sorry for the nice people I met in the Denver airport this afternoon who were booked on my (cancelled) Bismarck flight who had been trying to get there for a day and a half to see a newborn grandchild.
My own experience of trying to get the blizzardy, flooded capital of North Dakota was an annoyance, of course. But I had the option of flying home to a safe and warm place, awaited by the ever-yowling welcome of Betty the Cat. There's no place I'd rather be than in a basic motel room in Bismarck with Mike tonight, but being back in Seattle, surrounded by my creature comforts, is, well, lovely. Beats the fitful sleep many of the people I met today are experiencing right now across rows of seats at gate B80 in the Denver airport.

Here are some photos Mike took today.
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